ECTS was developed by the EU Commission for Education in order to provide common procedures to guarantee academic recognition of studies abroad.
(Basic information: history, location, students, address, coordinator,...)
The students incoming from the EU countries do not need visa!
All incoming students must hold health insurance. The Czech Republic normally recognises health insurance valid within the EU. Nevertheless, you should check with your insurance office whether this is the case with your particular health insurance. You should also take out additional insurance covering hospital care, if necessary. If you are not a member of EU country, you have to pay all emergency fees in advance. Ask your insurance company for additional information. There are no vaccination requirements.
EU citizens can bring any goods which are for their own use. The only limitation is with tabaco and alcohol. You can bring 800 cigarettes, 400 short cigars, 200 cigars and 1kg of filler and also 10 litres of spirits, 90 litres of wine, 110 litres of beer.
Non EU citizen can bring goods of value only up to EUR 175, 200 cigarettes, 100 short cigars, 50 cigars, 250g of filler, 1 litre of spirit, 2 litres of wine, 50g of parfume. You can import or export unlimited amounts of Czech and foreign currency.
Slezská univerzita v Opavě Na Rybníčku 626/1 746 01 Opava |
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+420 553 684 111 | | |
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2017-2024 © Slezská univerzita v Opavě.
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2017-2024 © Slezská univerzita v Opavě.
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