Článek v časopise Ekonomie a Management

  • Michal Stoklasa
  • 20.12.2021
V nejnovějším čísle časopisu E+M, Ekonomie a Management, vyšel článek autorské dvojici Ing. Kateřina Matušínská, Ph.D. a Ing. Michal Stoklasa, Ph.D. na téma "ADVERTISING STRATEGY ACCORDING TO THE CONCEPT OF THE FCB MODEL IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE VARIOUS GENERATIONS"

Abstrakt: Integrated marketing communication is an arrangement by which organizations organize their online and offline marketing communication tools to provide a clear, consistent, trusted, and competitive message about an organization and its offer (Fahy & Jobber, 2019). Organizations aim at attracting the target customers and communicating the value of the product (brand) to them clearly and convincingly (Kotler & Armstrong, 2018). Modern communication technologies and approaches nowadays allow customers a much higher level of information availability, so potential and loyal customers regularly check the quality of all organizations and choose the best offers for themselves according to the recommendations of their acquaintances, friends, or discussion forums (Petrů et al., 2020). Despite the large increase in the use of personal communication due to Internet penetration, advertising in mixture with other marketing communication tools has a substantial impact on consumer interest, brand building, and sales. Advertising is considered a positive as well as a negative element in society (Copley, 2004).

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