Velikonoce se zahraničními studenty

  • Veronika Novotná
  • 07.04.2023
Velikonoce jsou jedním z nejveselejších a nejkrásnějších dní v roce. Je to svátek, který téměř ve všech zemích symbolizuje příchod jara. Kromě toho jsou Velikonoce důležitým dnem, který sbližuje i naše zahraniční studenty. Letošní velikonoční akce se zúčastnili studenti z Turecka, Indie, Maroka, Pákistánu, Bangladéše nebo Ukrajiny.

Autoři: Tugba Sahin a Baran Yasin

A joint meeting of International Relations Office representatives, international students, interns and Buddy Team was held in the new hall of the faculty called “unispace”, where refreshments and easter gifts were prepared for all the attendees. David and Aneta had an interesting presentation about Easter celebrations in Czechia. If you happen to be in Czechia for Easter Monday, you would see men using a willow whip called “pomlázka” with colorful ribbons attached to it to “ward off evil spirits and bring good health to the person” by hitting women's legs or bottoms based on belief. Sometimes cold water is also thrown on women. Young girls paint eggs with different patterns and give them as a thank - you gift to young boys after being hit with pomlázka.

Sampras, our 2-year Master’s degree student introduced us to the Easter celebrations in India. Moroccan students Mehdi and Ikram presented how Ramadan is celebrated in their country. Some students from India prepared quizzes and gave surprise gifts to the winner. In addition, Indian and Turkish students performed their traditional dances, adding joy to the atmosphere with the participation of all students. We hope that the students had as much fun at this year's Easter celebration and felt the spirit of Easter as we did.