By applying for the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education our institution will:
The study of individual programmes and courses is carried out on the basis of a credit system corresponding to ECTS, in which one credit corresponds to 1/60 of average annual student workload. Each course included in the study plans is assessed according to its difficulty by a certain number of credits that students earn. The courses are divided into compulsory (type-A credits), compulsory-optional (type-B credits) and voluntary-optional (type-C credits). Students have to earn 60 credits a year. Courses successfully completed by students abroad are recognized as type-A or type-B credits if the contents of course abroad correspond to a similar course of the type-A/B at our university; and as type-C credits otherwise. The extent to which the contents of the two courses correspond is assessed by a faculty member of the department in question.
All courses succesfully completed at the host institution are recognized after the mobility; this applies also to student traineeships. The Faculty Erasmus Coordinator in cooperation with the respective department helps the student to draw up a suitable plan of study before the mobility, which is in accordance with the student's study profile and can be fully recognized when he/she returns.