The doctoral study program Economics and Management is aimed at educating professionals who are able to carry out internationally competitive research on real and current problems in areas related to business administration and management. The students acquire high-level expertise in qualitative and quantitative methods of economic analysis, economics and financial markets, modern research methods and business management. As part of the program, students regularly present the results of their research to an international audience in scientific conferences and get experience during study stays and internships at our partner universities and organizations abroad. The standard period for full-time and part-time study at the SU SBA is four years and the maximum period of study is seven years.
Study in the doctoral degree program takes place according to an individual study plan (ISP) under the guidance of a supervisor and the control of the Subject Area Board. The ISP is compiled by the student in cooperation with the supervisor in the first year of study, which is then submitted for approval by the Subject Area Board. The study is duly completed by a state doctoral examination and the defence of a dissertation, which demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent research and development or independent theoretical activity. Graduates of doctoral degree programs are awarded the academic title of "doctor" (abbreviated to "Ph.D.") listed after the name.
As a graduate of this program, you qualify for several positions, namely: