The Science and Research Office (S&R Office) coordinates the Faculty's scientific research activities according to the Long-term Plan of the SU SBA's Educational, Scientific and Research Activities. The office organizes the habilitation process, increasing the qualification of the academic staff of the faculty, including the involvement of students in scientific work. The S&R Office records projects at the faculty and assists in contact with grant agencies. It also records the publishing activities of academic staff of the faculty and ensures the annual collection of data into the national databases of research and development. The activity of the S&R Office is also the management of editorial activity, whose important component is the processing and publishing of textbooks.


Silesian University in Opava
School of Business Administration in Karvina
Science and Research Office
Univerzitní nám. 1934/3
733 40  Karviná


doc. Ing.  Iveta Palečková, Ph.D.
Vice-dean for Science and Research
+420 596 398 211
Ing.  Lucie Bínová
Referent for Science and Research
+420 596 398 632
Miroslava Snopková
Referent for Science and Research
+420 596 398 222