Former industrial town in the beautiful valley of the Olše river and in the north promontory of the Beskydy. It is situated 18 km to the east of Ostrava, the third biggest town in Czechia. A part of the north border of Karviná is also the national border with Poland.
Even if at first sight it might not seem so, this industrial town is also rich with cultural and social history. The city has gone through a complicated and multidimensional development for more than seven centuries.
In the past, significance of the town was predetermined by its strategic location on the commercial route leading from Hungary to the Baltic areas. This has made the city the commercial, economic and cultural centre of the entire local area. The discovery of coal in the second half of the 18th century was the factor, which significantly influenced the next development of the town. In spite of the fact that our town belongs to the areas with a dense concentration of industry, commercial and touristic part were strengthened in the last years.
Surroundings of Karvina provide a variety of places to enjoy your life, like the Beskydy and the Jeseníky Mountains with large forests, lakes Těrlicko and Žermanice for some summer fun, shopping centres in Ostrava, and the Stodolní street with more than 100 bars.
A unique historical sight is represented by an Empire Chateau situated in Masaryk's Square. Since 1997 the chateau has been open to the public after extensive restoration.
The biggest factor promoting tourism in Karvina is the Spa Darkov. The oldest medical institution of Darkov is situated in a beautiful spa park in the city limits of Karvina. The one hundered and thirty years old tradition has been carried on by the Rehabilitation Sanatorium in Karvina-Hranice since 1976. Patients with problems with locomotion, neurological dysfunctions after an injury or post-surgery are being treated there. The outstanding results of the treatment in the Spa of Karvina are supported by the fact that the Spa is being visited not only by patients from Czechia but even from abroad and the interest to be cured is still growing there. Successful treatment is made possible not only with application of iodine-bromide brine - mineral water springing on the surface of this area - but also with workplaces equipped with top technology and naturally the qualified work of medical doctors.