About exchange studies

Exchange students include students who study at SU SBA:

  • under the Erasmus+ program;
  • on the basis of international agreements and student exchange agreements with foreign universities and faculties. 
Eligibility criteria:
  • applicants shall be full-time students at their home universities
  • there has to be an Erasmus+ agreement or general bilateral agreement on cooperation between the applicant's home university and SU SBA
  • applicants have to be nominated for studies at SU SBA by their home university

Application procedure: Erasmus+ students

Home university coordinators should nominate prospective Erasmus+ students in our mobility system. Nomination link with instructions is sent to each partner university coordinator by e-mail. Upon such nomination, students receive a unique link by e-mail to access our mobility system and complete their application. 

Application procedure: Partner university students

Exchange and visiting students interested in mobilities within bilateral agreements with our partner universities (excluding Erasmus+) shall submit their application directly in our mobility system, upon their nomination from their home university coordinator. Such nomination list shall be sent by e-mail as agreed in a joint approval. 

How to complete online application

In order to apply, students need to:
  1. select courses they would like to study at our university
  2. fill out and submit online application
  3. upload or complete required documents inside the application:
    • signed and scanned application form
    • passport copy
    • Learning Agreement

Learning Agreement for Erasmus+ will be available in the mobility system since June 2021.

Responsible coordinators

In case of any questions, please contact our International Coordinators:

Erasmus+ and other exchange applications

  • Mrs. Radmila Unucková (unuckova@opf.slu.cz)

Applications from Chinese partner universities

  • Ms. Veronika Maťková (matkova@opf.slu.cz)

Deadlines for applications

See our Academic Calendar for current dates. 

Acceptance letter

Acceptance letter and other visa documents for non-EU students will be available for download inside the e-application. Original visa documents are mailed to home university coordinators or sent to individual students upon prior agreement.

After mobility

After the mobility, students are issued:

  • Transcript of Records which includes the list of all courses taken, grades and ECTS credits obtained.
  • Confirmation of Study Period (or Letter of Attendance) which confirms the mobility period at SU SBA and states the dates of the student's arrival and departure.

All mobility documents will be available for download inside the student's e-application. Original documents can be mailed to home university coordinators or handed to individual students upon prior agreement.