The Department of Economics and Public Administration was established at the School of Business Administration in Karviná in 2014 by the transformation of the Department of Economics, the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Law. The Department of Economics was established at the School of Business Administration in Karviná in 1991 and during the following years, it became an integral part of the structure of the SU SBA. From the very beginning, the members of the team of the Department provided not only the teaching of courses that are taught in all study programs but also the teaching of courses that are narrowly specialized. The foundation of the Department of Social Sciences is dated identically as the establishment of the Department of Economics. In recent years, the Department has guaranteed a Bachelor's field of study in Social Management. At the Faculty, it participated mainly in the teaching of courses of a social-scientific nature. The establishment of the Department of Law is dated to 2001 and has been devoted to the teaching of legal disciplines in the field of Czech, international and community law.
The Department of Economics and Public Administration is a Department, which guarantees and teaches the fields of study in Public Economics and Administration, European Integration and Social Management. The fields of study in Public Economics and Administration and European Integration are accredited at the SU SBA both for the Bachelor's (full-time and part-time) and for the follow-up master’s degree (full-time study). The field of study in Social Management is accredited only for the Bachelor's degree of full-time study. It can be said that the main mission of the Department is the preparation of erudite scholars not only with adequate knowledge of theoretical economics but also with the ability to move and work in the structures of the European Union, public administration and the social sphere.
The Department of Economics and Public Administration consists of a team of seventeen staff and three internal Ph.D. students whose qualification structure and professional orientation fully correspond to current trends in the area of Czech higher education. Our Department can offer our students a relatively wide range of courses which are focused not only on basic and advanced issues of economics, but also on European integration, international economics, international comparisons, economic policy and its individual segments, public and regional economics or economic analyzes, constitutional, financial and administrative law, social work and social policy, including sociology of organization and personality psychology.
The staff of the department participate in the teaching of courses included in Bachelor's, follow-up Master's and doctoral degree programs, both at the School of Business Administration in Karviná and at other faculties of the Silesian University, as well as at other Czech universities. The close cooperation of members of the Department with partner institutions at universities in Czechia and abroad is manifested not only in the process of teaching itself, but also in the exchange of lecturers working in state final examination committees or in co-operation on the solution of scientific research projects, thus deepening the professional erudition of the staff of our Department. You can find more detailed information about the specialization of individual members of the Department of Economics in their personal profiles, which can be accessed by clicking on the name of the relevant staff member of the Department.