Representatives from Silesian University, including Roman Šperka (Dean of the School of Business Administration), Jana Šimáková (Vice-Dean for International Relations of SU SBA), Anna Novák Šefraná (STARS EU officer), Barbora Hamplová (Communication group member), and Dalibor Šimek (leader of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Thematic Interest Group), actively participated in the event. Other staff members involved in the project were also able to log in remotely to the hybrid working group meetings.
Although substantial groundwork had been laid prior to this, November 1st was officially designated as the start date for STARS EU as a recognized European University. The launch event at University West served as a foundational framework for initiating the project's diverse components.
Following welcoming remarks and protocol, two extensive teamwork sessions took place on December 5th and the morning of December 6th, organized in various rooms at the University West. Leaders of each work package coordinated these sessions, aiming to identify initial actions and establish timelines for their implementation.
Despite the predominance of online activities within the alliance, face-to-face meetings like these provide a more direct platform for discussions and advancing objectives. The alliance recognizes the importance of in-person meetings and plans for future live gatherings, with the upcoming annual conference scheduled for March 21-22, 2024, at the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon, France.