A delegation of the STARS EU alliance visited our university

  • Veronika Novotná
  • 01.09.2023
In pursuance of STARS EU alliance, Silesian University in Opava had the honor to welcome alliance leaders from the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, located in Groningen, Netherlands. The program for our guests was very rich in activities and took place in a very positive and friendly atmosphere.

Author: Barbora Hamplová

On the first day, the delegation met the rector doc. Tomáš Gongol, vice-rector for study and social affairs doc. Michaela Weiss, vice-rector for science and international relations prof. Daniel Stavárek, and representatives of the individual structures of the university. While introducing their faculties and institutes, representatives shared their experiences. The delegation had the opportunity to visit the university library and the specialized premises for practical exercises of nurses, dental hygienists, or social workers who provide support to children, mothers, and families in need. The excursion was concluded with an astronomical projection in a unique spherical cinema called Unisphere.

The succeeding day, guests visited the School of Business Administration in Karviná, where they were warmly welcomed by the dean doc. Roman Šperka and vice-deans of the faculty. Both the modern teaching facilities and the study programmes offered by the faculty left a very positive impression on the guests.

The visit from Groningen exceeded all expectations and contributed to a fundamental deepening of relations and mutual cooperation, which made it possible for us to head in the right direction on our common journey.

Together we are stronger. Together we create our future. STARS EU