We issue identification cards and revalidation stickers at two card centre distribution points, which you can find at the bottom of the page.

To obtain a revalidation sticker, you will only need the identification card you wish to revalidate. If you cannot collect the revalidation stamp in person, you may appoint a representative on your behalf. Before issuing the revalidation stamp, the card center staff will verify the applicant's eligibility.

However, you must personally collect the identification card, and it cannot be sent by mail. To collect it, you will need an identity document (ID card, passport). If you cannot collect the card in person for a serious reason, you may appoint a representative with your power of attorney:

  • Complete the power of attorney form, print it, and sign it by hand, both yourself and your representative.
  • Send us a notification from your official university email inbox to karty (at) slu.cz, stating that your representative will collect the card on your behalf. Please include his/her name in the message.
  • Your representative will present his/her identity document (ID card, passport) and your power of attorney to us. Based on this, we will issue your card to him/her.

If your ISIC/ITIC/ALIVE card is ready to collect, you can activate it in the mobile application and start using benefits and discounts even before picking it up. Simply install the Alive App on your mobile phone and enter the assigned license number. You can find the license number after logging in to karty.slu.cz in the "My Card" or "Moje karta" section. This number is also printed on the plastic version of the card.

ID Card Centre in Opava

Kartové centrum CIT SU
Bezručovo náměstí 885/14
Office no. 425
746 01 Opava

Tel.: +420 553 684 014

E-mail: karty@slu.cz

Responsible person: Kateřina Purová

Office hours

Monday: 12:00 - 14:00

Wednesday: 9:00 - 11:00,  12:00 - 14:00

Friday: 9:00 - 11:00, 12:00 - 14:00

ID Card Centre in Karviná

Kartové centrum CIT SU
Univerzitní nám. 1943/3
733 40 Karviná

ID Card&revalidation sticker distribution: Study department
Responsible person: Ing. Katrin Adamová
Tel.: +420 596 398 343

ID Card issue resolusion: Office A502
Responsible person: Bc. Jan Škorvánek
Tel.: +420 596 398 285

E-mail: karty@slu.cz

Office hours for ID card and revalidation sticker distribution

Monday: 12:00 - 14:00

Wednesday: 9:00 - 11:00, 12:00 - 14:00

Friday: 9:00 - 11:00, 12:00 - 14:00