Since the Silesian University joined the STARS EU alliance, numerous notable deeds and attainments have been documented. Together with its eight partners, the university succeeded in its initial goals and is now set to accomplish new milestones. To this day, the involvement of SUO includes participation or organisation of various projects, BIPs, and even holding of the first Staff Week of the alliance. Moreover, the university's engagement with Thematic Interest Groups continues to increase. Although SUO cooperates within all of the TIGs, the most notable contributions are:
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
With Silesian University, namely the School of Business Administration, as the Leader of the concept, the TIG aims to establish a complex community of educators and researchers in entrepreneurship and innovation. The main objectives are engagement of blended online learning, entrepreneurship research and education and involvement of students. Since the projects within the STARS EU alliance are significantly connected, one of the aims of this TIG is to incorporate BIPs focused on the cooperation goals, with the involvement of all its partners.
Healthy Ageing
The TIG focuses on the healthy ageing of the population, emphasising the opportunities of maturing and the benefits of the involvement of elderly citizens within our society. Consecutively to the premises of the project, the goal is to optimise the current conditions and healthcare situation by spreading prevention and educating professionals while joining forces with the WHO. The Faculty of Public Policies has established a solid cooperation with the Leader of the programme and is its consistent contributor.
Arts and Creative Industries
As the name of the TIG indicates, its intention is to encourage the engagement of creativity and imagination in education by fostering innovative processes or incorporating thematically centred BIPs. With a close collaboration within the TIG, The Faculty of Philosophy and Science of SUO applies a holistic approach in higher education and presents creative values and challenges.