The aim of the doctoral study is the education of scientists who will be able to work professionally at the level of international standards in the field of economic theory using modern mathematical-statistical methods, modern information technologies with the use of teamwork. During the study the current problems of company management, marketing and logistics systems, small and medium business, financial management of companies and financing of business activities, marketing of enterprises falling under the research program of the SBA.
A master's degree in Business Economics and Management is an increasingly essential tool in a global economy. Thanks to its interdisciplinary approach, it will give you a solid background in advanced business economics and management and enable you to upgrade your skills in applied contemporary management techniques combined with gained knowledge of international entrepreneurial activities represented by a number of lectured disciplines of specialization Marketing and Trade.


The Bachelor's degree programme Economics and Management examines issues central to the world we live in: namely how the economy and organisations function, and how resources are allocated and coordinated to achieve the organisation?s objectives. Graduates of the programme are provided with basic, general preparation in the economic, corporate, quantitative and legal fields, as well as a solid methodological training in the analysis and critical interpretation of economic and corporate dynamics. They can work in management positions in a wide spectrum of companies. The degree programme prepares students to enter the job market immediately upon graduation or pursue a Master?s degree. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO STUDY OUR DEGREE? - Essential knowledge and practical experience in the field of doing business. - You will get the awareness of how companies function in the market. - Understand the mission and vision of successful international companies. - Knowledge of business economics, corporate and international finance, management and marketing. - Understand international business environment and Europe?s specifics. - You will be able to process basic accounting financial statements in international company. - You will meet new friends from all over the world at recognized university. WHAT COURSES ARE YOU GOING TO STUDY? Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Principles of finance, Principles of marketing, Management, Accounting, Quantitative methods, etc.
Studijní část obsahuje pět povinných studijních aktivit s celkovou kreditovou dotací 60 ECTS. Jedná se o čtyři povinné předměty, které jsou vždy ukončeny zkouškou. Pátou povinnou aktivitou je prokázání znalostí odborné angličtiny formou vystoupení na odborné konferenci v rozsahu alespoň 20 minut nebo výuky v anglicky vyučovaném předmětu v rozsahu alespoň 45 minut. V rámci studijní části musí student dále absolvovat alespoň jeden předmět ze skupiny povinně volitelných. Výzkumná část se skládá ze dvou povinných aktivit, kterými jsou zapojení do výzkumného projektu spojené s publikací vědeckého článku a realizace zahraniční výzkumné stáže. Minimálně 60 ECTS musí student získat za publikační aktivity. Publikace jsou členěny dle zavedených kategorií a každý typ publikace je ohodnocen příslušným počtem kreditů. Volitelnými aktivitami v rámci výzkumné části jsou profesní stáž, jež má za cíl prohloubit schopnosti studenta realizovat aplikovaný a smluvní výzkum, a ohlas na vlastní publikační činnost dokumentovaný citacemi v publikacích jiných autorů. V rámci studia může student absolvovat také volitelnou pedagogickou část. Mezi pedagogické aktivity ohodnocené kredity patří celosemestrální výuka semináře a vedení bakalářské práce, která byla v termínu odevzdána k obhajobě. Za pedagogické aktivity může být přiděleno maximálně 30 ECTS za celou dobu studia.
The Master's degree programme Economics and management is designed to prepare university-educated professionals with economic knowledge and managerial skills that are able to act in higher or top management positions not only in the business sphere after acquiring appropriate practice. Emphasis is placed on international accents of entrepreneurial activities during study. Successful graduates get the title of ?engineer? and are prepared to enter job market immediately or they have the opportunity to continue in PhD studies. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO STUDY OUR DEGREE? - Professional knowledge and practical experience in the field of advanced microeconomics, advanced macroeconomics and managerial economics. - You will get the awareness of how business organizations function. - Understand the mission and vision of crisis management and international business law. - Acquire knowledge of international marketing, international financial management and retail management. - You will be able to process financial analyses and valuate the company?s assets and much more. - You will meet people from all over the world with similar aims and interests. WHAT COURSES ARE YOU GOING TO STUDY? Advanced microeconomics, Advanced macroeconomics, Strategic marketing, Strategic management, Human resource management, International taxation and tax systems, Managing innovation, etc.


The course is organised in both full time and part time form. Doctoral course can be undertaken by a University graduate with Masters Degree in physics or a related subject. The entrance examination will show specialised knowledge, the ability of the applicant for independent scientific research and verify the applicant?s competence in English language. During the examination, the applicant must show knowledge of the basic course in physics, theoretical mechanics, electrodynamics, special theory of relativity and quantum physics, as well as fundamentals of mathematical analysis and algebra. In the scope of the entrance examination the applicant will also show basic knowledge in the field of theoretical physics a part of which is the topic of his/her PhD thesis. The topic of the thesis will come under one of three fields of theoretical physics: - relativistic physics and astrophysics - theoretical nuclear and sub-nuclear physics - quantum theory of multi particle systems Other topics, such as topics dealing with astrophysical applications of nuclear and sub-nuclear physics or quantum theory of multi particle (molecules) systems, will be considered.
Nalezeno záznamů: 6