In pursuance of the partnership within the STARS EU alliance, various cooperation structures and joint projects have been created. Apart from the primary agenda, smaller yet not less significant collaborations have been emerging. Besides TIGs and Co-creation structures, numerous Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) have benefited from the alliance's progress. These programmes aim to innovate means of both teaching and learning by combining the virtual and physical mobility of their participants.
Thematic Interest Groups
TIGs may be considered among the priorities of the alliance. Their establishment serves as an open platform for opportunities concerning collaborative research, creating a space for innovation and knowledge transition between the partners. Every TIG has its Leader and Co-leader university responsible for the project's progress. Currently, there are seven Thematic Interest Groups:
Co-creation Structures
Alongside creating programmes or interest groups, another format dedicated to development and innovation has been a significant component of the collaboration between the partners. The Co-creation Structures serve as an environment for experiments and their cross-over, enabling its participants to explore various thematic fields without limitations: