The Silesian University is actively working on developing ethical principles for its employees and students. The Code of Ethics outlines the basic principles of good conduct and behaviour for both work and study at the University. The Code applies to all employees and students of the University and is binding. Any violations of the ethical principles are assessed by the Ethics Committee. As part of the HR Award process, the Code has been amended to align with the European Charter for Researchers. For example, the Code of Ethics now includes non-discrimination and gender principles.
In the event of a suspected violation of the Code of Ethics by an employee or student, a complaint, notification or suggestion may be submitted in written, oral or electronic form to a supervisor at any level of the procedure, or to the appropriate mailroom in accordance with the Rector's directive on the handling of complaints, notifications and suggestions submitted to the Silesian University in Opava, or directly to the Chair of the Ethics Committee via a secure electronic form.