The Equal Opportunities Policy is a global output of the HRA implementation process and covers all aspects of standard life at the University. Adherence to the policy is key to creating and maintaining a balanced non-discriminatory work environment as well as fostering equal and motivating working relationships.
Implementing the principles of equal opportunities at the Silesian University in Opava was part of the implementation of the HR Award, which the University received in 2021. The equal opportunities policy aims to prevent discrimination against employees on the basis of e.g. gender, age, ethnicity, national or social origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, language, disability, political opinions, and social and economic conditions.
An abridged output of the GAP analysis including the baseline findings on discrimination and gender balance, the action plan and the current status of implementation is available here.
Download the full text of the Equal Opportunities Policy here
The Principles of Equal Opportunities – starting documents: