The graduates are prepared to

  • recognize the holistic needs of women in their state of health and physiological pregnancy, physiological birth, postpartum and biopsychosocial needs arising in all stages of life of women, as well as the needs of physiological newborns
  • know the healthy development of an individuals and the affecting factors
  • use diagnostic procedures and techniques in care of physiologically pregnant women
  • conduct physiological childbirth independently, monitor and evaluate the condition of the fetus in utero and provide professional care and support to women during childbirth
  • react to the physical, psychological, social, behavioural, cognitive and spiritual challenges of clients
  • recognize the signs and symptoms that indicate deviations from physiological course of the reproductive process in women and of the healthy development of individuals, as well as symptoms of disease
  • know the models reproductive health education, sex education and family planning
  • carry out research activities in the field of midwifery (or to participate in it), and apply the results of scientific research in work activities