Silesian University welcomes students with disabilities. Applicants with special needs will be contacted before the final approval of the acceptance. Final decision depends on extra services/ facilities available.
The Support Centre for Students with Special Needs (SC) is an
university-wide institute offering social-psychological, special-educational
and career consulting services. The SC is also the contact point and consulting
centre for students with special educational needs. The mission of the SC is to
create equal opportunities in access to the higher education. The SC offers
services such as modifications of entrance examinations, modifications of
individual learning plans, assistance services (personal assistance, typing,
lecture-reporting etc.). The SC employs professionals who cover all special
educational needs necessary. The SC is equipped with a wide range of assistive
devices such as text zoomers, printing and scanning devices to create special
study materials, portable CCTV magnifiers, voice recorders, readers, special
hardware and software for students with different types of health limitations.
Both offered services and the number of assistive devices (many with borrowing possibility)
are increasing constantly.
Slezská univerzita v Opavě
Akademická poradna
Olbrichova 625/25 (wheelchair access from the courtyard)
746 01 Opava
Tel.: +420 55368 4813