The ISIC (International Student Identity Card) is a multi-functional student card that we use at the university. You can use it for example in the library, in the dormitories or you can get a lot of student discounts.

The offer of discounts can be found here

The ISIC license costs 250 CZK.

Applying for an ISIC card

1. Only electronically at

2. Prepare a standard ID photo in electronic form

Parameters of the photo

  • 719 x 925 pixels at 96 dpi, (or 230 x 296 pixels at 300dpi)
  • jpg format
  • The photo has to be in color with a light background.
  • The photo has to show the head and shoulders from the front side.
  • You can use this editor to edit your photo:

3. Log in to using the CRO username and password (please ask your Erasmus coordinator at Silesian University)

4. Select „Nová žádost“ in the right menu.

Nová žádost

5. Select the type of card: ISIC

6. Select a delivery location: Bezručovo nám. 885/14, 746 01 Opava

ISIC, Opavské výdejní místo

7. Upload a photo below. Click on “Vybrat soubor”. 

8. Click on „Pokračovat“

After sending, you will receive an email

Vybrat soubor

Information about payment



IBAN: CZ8103000000000017417793

Message for recipient (remittance information or data) fill in this form: /VS/…………./SS/701

Specific symbol SS: 701 and for variable symbol VS please contact faculty coordinator Erasmus+ (

For example: /VS/8706054321/SS/701

After the payment is received, you will be sent the confirmation.


Prepared card

At the moment the card is ready, you will be informed by e-mail.

The card can be picked up only in person with a valid ID Card here:

Bezručovo nám. 885/14, 746 01 Opava

Room no. 425


Monday: 12:00 - 14:00

Wednesday: 9:00 - 11:00, 12:00 - 14:00

Friday: 9:00 - 11:00, 12:00 - 14:00


Another option is to order a virtual card. It costs 400 CZK.

More detailed information can be found on the official website.