By applying for the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education our institution will:
Respect in full the principles of non-discrimination set out in the Programme and ensure equal access and opportunities to mobile participants from all backgrounds.
Ensure full recognition for satisfactorily completed activities of study mobility and, where possible, traineeships in terms of credits awarded (ECTS or compatible system.). Ensure the inclusion of satisfactorily completed study and/or traineeship mobility activities in the final record of student achievements (Diploma Supplement or equivalent).
Explanation of the academic credit system and the methodology used to allocate credits to the different course units followed by our students abroad.
The study of individual programmes and courses is carried out on the basis of a credit system corresponding to ECTS, in which one credit corresponds to 1/60 of average annual student workload. Each course included in the study plans is assessed according to its difficulty by a certain number of credits that students earn. The courses are divided into compulsory (type-A credits), compulsory-optional (type-B credits) and voluntary-optional (type-C credits). Students have to earn 60 credits a year. Courses successfully completed by students abroad are recognized as type-A or type-B credits if the contents of course abroad correspond to a similar course of the type-A/B at our university; and as type-C credits otherwise. The extent to which the contents of the two courses correspond is assessed by a faculty member of the department in question.
All courses succesfully completed at the host institution are recognized after the mobility; this applies also to student traineeships. The Faculty Erasmus Coordinator in cooperation with the respective department helps the student to draw up a suitable plan of study before the mobility, which is in accordance with the student's study profile and can be fully recognized when he/she returns.
Each outgoing Erasmus student has to fulfil at least the minimal amount of ECTS credits at the receiving university per semester. The the ECTS credit minimum per semester is set by the respective internal faculty regulation accessible in the faculty Erasmus office. (The amount usually fluctuates between 15 and 18 ECTS credits/semester).
Once an outgoing Erasmus student after the arrival back to the Czech Republic does not bring the sufficient amount of ECTS credits per semester a sanction against the very student (in form of repayment of up to 100% of the Erasmus grant) can be imposed.
ECTS grade | Definition |
A | EXCELLENT - outstanding performance with only minor errors |
B | VERY GOOD - above the average standard but with some errors |
C | GOOD - generally sound work with a number of notable errors |
D | SATISFACTORY - fair but with significant shortcomings |
E | SUFFICIENT - performance meets the minimum criteria |
F | FAIL - considerable further work is required |
Z | PASS - some courses are not finalized by exam but ongoing activities are required (e,g, test, coursework, in-class presentation). The course is passed if the activities are sufficiently accomplished |
P | PASS (in doctoral study programmes only) |
The grading scale of the Silesian University in Opava is stipulated in the Study and Examination Regulations of the Silesian University in Opava.
The language of instruction of all study programmes offered by Faculty of Public Policies is Czech, thus the sufficient knowledge of Czech language is prerequisite for admission and successful study.
Conditions for admission to university studies are stipulated in the Higher Education Act (Act 111/1998), Section 48 (1) and (2) and Section 49 (1) – (3). For further information please see also the Study and Examination Regulations of the Silesian University in Opava.
Basic admission requirements are:
Admission requirements for degree study programmes, as well as the deadline for applications, together with the date, form and overall content of the admission exam are established by the dean of the faculty and are published on the faculty or university official notice board and on the internet by each faculty. Applications have to be submitted within the deadline and must be completed with all the supporting documents specified by the faculty. Depending on the requirements of the faculty or the certain degree programme, applicants need to go through the admission procedure which may include written tests, exams or an oral examination that are relevant to the applicant’s field of study.
Foreign students who intend to study at the Faculty of Public Policy under the Erasmus programme should follow the instructions for incoming students.
The deadline for submitting the application is 15 June for the winter semester and 15 December for the summer semester.