The Disciplinary Committee is a self-governing body of the university established in accordance with the Higher Education Act No. 111/1998 Coll. and the Statute of Silesian University in Opava.
The activities of the Committee are governed by the Higher Education Act and The Disciplinary Code for students of the Silesian University in Opava.
The members of the Committee are chosen from the university's academic community and appointed by rector after the approval of the Academic Senate. The committee is elected for 4 years and has 4 members including the chairman: 2 members from academic staff and 2 members from students. The chairman is elected and dismissed by the committee members.
The committee discusses the disciplinary offences of students who study in study programs carried out by the university together with the university institute, and submits a proposal for a decision to the rector. A disciplinary offence is a culpable violation of the obligations established by legal regulations or internal regulations of the university and its components, in particular behavior that arouses public outrage or offends another member of the university's academic community or a university employee; willful damage of the university property; fraudulent conduct in connection with study or participation in the creative activity; the use of a foreign text of larger scope in a written work prepared in accordance with the conditions of the relevant study plan at the end of the study subject or study, without the appropriate case being marked and without the source being explicitly cited. Any of the following sanctions may be imposed on a student for a disciplinary offence: reprimand; conditional exclusion from studies with the determination of the terms and conditions for certification; exclusion from studies.