Recognition of prior learning depends on the content of studied courses, acquired learning outcomes, extent of the course expressed via ECTS credits and achieved evaluation. The Dean of the respective faculty may recognize, upon the written request of the student, courses or parts of studies previously completed by a student who is registered for study in a study programme. This applies to courses or parts of studies completed:
Recognition of Education is considered as the basis for acceptance for further study at the university. Under Czech law, students who have obtained their secondary school-leaving certificate abroad are required to obtain an official document to say that their education is recognised in the Czech Republic, before they can register for a degree programme at a Czech university. Officially this document is called „Rozhodnutí o uznání rovnocennosti (platnosti) zahraničního vysvědčení v České republice“ (Decision on the recognition of the equivalence (validity) of the foreignschool-leaving certificate). The Recognition Certificate is issued by the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Regional Authority.
This can be defined as the recognition of diplomas, qualifications or parts of study programmes of a foreign educational institution by another educational institution. Such recognition is considered as the basis for acceptance for further study at the university. Under Czech law, students who have obtained their Bachelor or Master degree abroad are required to obtain an official document to say that their education is recognized in the Czech Republic, before they can register for a degree programme at a Czech university. Officially this documents is called „Rozhodnutí a Osvědčení o uznání vysokoškolského vzdělání a kvalifikace v České republice.“ (The decision and the certificate on the recognition of the university education and qualification in the Czech Republic). The Recognition Certificate is issued by a Higher Education Institution offering relevant study field.