Pozvání na seminář: Primordial black holes in the dark matter halo of our Galaxy

  • ustav
  • 07.05.2024
Akce se uskuteční od 14:00 hodin v zasedací místnosti č. 219 a je určena zaměstnancům a studentům FÚ. Přednášejícím bude pan prof. Marek Abramowicz, Ph.D..


If there are primordial black holes in the dark matter halo, they must collide with the Galactic neutron stars (NS) and produce light black holes (LBH), with masses below 1.4 M_Sun. This has observational consequences that may be checked by microlensing, by LIGO-Virgo-Kagra interferometers detecting gravitational waves from collisions of LBH with NS and BH, by detecting LBH in X-ray binaries and from pulsars statistics.

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