Fees associated with degree programs in English

The payment of the application fee is made by the applicant online by card according to the instructions in the Information System of the SU (IS SU), which are available to the applicant inside his/her e-application. Applicants are informed of the exact dates of the entrance examination only after filing an application for study and paying the application fee. The payment of the tuition fee shall be made by the applicant within 30 days after receiving the Dean’s decision on tuition fee payment. Such decision is delivered to the student upon enrollment at SU SBA. The tuition fee is intended for the entire academic year (2 semesters) in advance and can not be paid in installments. The common method of tuition fee payment is online by card in IS SU.


This is an administrative fee that every applicant for a degree program has to pay prior to an entrance exam. For all degree programs, the fee is CZK 2,500.


For Bachelor's and Master's programs, the tuition fee amounts to EUR 2,500 per year (2 semesters). For the PhD program, the fee amounts to EUR 3,000 per academic year.

For applicants from India, we strongly recommend contacting the agency UA Networks Limited (UAN) as our trusted partner to assist you with the application procedure, diploma recognition, visa process and other necessary support. Additional service fees may be applied for their services, such as interviews, smooth admissions process, documents authentication and recognition, visa application or documents delivery. The contact e-mail address of the agency is admission.su-sba@ua-networks.com.

Scholarships for Bachelor / Master students

merit scholarship is awarded for the study results achieved in the previous academic year (2 semesters) for Bachelor full-time degree students in the 2nd and the 3rd year of study; for Master full-time degree students in the 1st year of study for the results of the 3rd year of Bachelor's studies (only to students who completed their Bachelor's studies at the SU SBA) and in the 2nd year of study for the results of the 1st year. The weighted study average is determined according to the formula given in Article 12 of the Study and Examination Regulations of the SU.

A one-time talent scholarship within the Dean’s scholarship program to support foreign students studying in degree programs taught in English is awarded each academic year for up to 8 foreign students.


CZK 40,000 (study average to 1.15)

CZK 20,000 (study average 1.16 to 1.30)

CZK 10,000 (study average 1.31 to 1.50)


Up to CZK 50,000 (one-time scholarship)

For up to 8 international students each April

Students must meet a set of conditions*

*In order to be awarded a talent scholarship, the student must be a national of the upper-middle-income, lower-middle-income or low-income country according to the current World Bank classification. In addition, the student has achieved excellent or very good results in high school, respectively Bachelor’s studies and proven by appropriate documents other activities directly or indirectly related to studies or social life (studies abroad, successful participation in competitions, participation in projects, community activities, etc.). Lastly, the student has successfully completed the first semester of studies at the SU SBA by obtaining at least 80% of ECTS credits achievable in total in the first semester.

Scholarships for PhD students


Up to CZK 11,000 per month

For up to 3 international students (each year)

For up to 4 years (standard period of study)

Awardees (Research Assistants) are involved in the scientific research activities

Students must meet a set of conditions*

*The student is a citizen of the upper-middle-income, lower-middle-income, low-income country, according to the current  World Bank classification. The 1 st year student has achieved excellent results in the Master's studies or the student has demonstrated other activities directly or indirectly related to study or social life (study abroad, successful participation in competitions, participation in projects, authorship of publications, etc.). The 2nd – 4th year student fulfils the set individual study plan (ISP), and submits a written report on the course of doctoral studies and ISP fulfilment for the previous academic year by the end of the respective academic year, is involved in solving a research project, presents the results of his/her research at conferences and in publications (scientific journals).

Government scholarships

The Government of the Czech Republic annually offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance. These so-called government scholarships support students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Georgia, Cambodia, Moldova, Ukraine and Zambia who would like to study at public universities in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic provides scholarships for studies pursued both in the Czech and in the English language (in follow-up Master's and Doctoral study programmes). The deadline for submitting applications for the academic year 2025/2026 is September 30, 2024. Further information is available here.

Visegrad scholarship

Citizens of V4 countries (Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and citizens of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine are eligible for up to 4-semesters-scholarship under the Visegrad Fund. Visegrad scholarships support Bachelor, Master and PhD students and researchers at universities in the Visegrad Group countries, including Czechia. Applications are open since February and the deadline is March 15 each year. More information regarding this scholarship is available here