Undergraduate study at J.E. Purkyně University, Brno, Department of Mathematics (1976–1981).
Graduate study at Moscow State University, Chair of Higher Geometry and Topology (1983–1987).
Ph.D. Thesis: "Horizontal cohomology with general coefficients" (Moscow, 1989).
Habilitation at the Mathematical Institute of the Silesian University, Opava (2000).
The Vinogradov category of differential equations.
Symmetries, conservation laws, coverings, zero-curvature representations, recursion operators, Bäcklund transformations, and other invariants of partial differential equations.
Integrable systems in differential geometry and physics.
Invariants in general relativity, matching.
Projects: Jets – a set of Maple procedures for routine computations on jet spaces and diffieties. Emphasis is laid on solution of equations in total derivatives, linear and nonlinear, such as those determining infinitesimal symmetries, generating functions of conservation laws, zero-curvature representations, etc. (jointly with Hynek Baran)
View on Mathematics:
Mathematics is piece-wise trivial and beautiful almost everywhere.