


The use of electronic resources is subject to licensing agreements concluded between an MI or SU and individual data access providers (databases). In general, staff and guests of the institute have the right to search the contents of databases, store selected documents on the disk of the computer from which they access the database, and print them in one copy.
You may also break one of the following:

  • the transfer of any part of the content in any form to another person,
  • transferring the content electronically to the disk of another computer, even if it belonged to the same person,
  • downloading inappropriate content, while one full issue (magazine) can be considered as disproportionate,
  • removing the originator or document provider, even if the information is provided as an attachment to the document.

Original license agreements is available on individual servers. Providers generally reserve the right to monitor their use of their databases and to punish the proven abuse by terminating the contract otherwise.