European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Basic data

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) has been developed by the European Commission in order to provide common procedures for guaranteeing the academic recognition of studies abroad. It provides a way of measuring and comparing learning achievements, and transferring them from one university to another. This is achieved by a common ECTS credit unit and a common ECTS grading scale. ECTS in the frame of Erasmus makes use of three documents: l Information Package, providing general information about a host university, as well as detailed descriptions of degree programmes and courses available; l Transcript of Records, showing the student‘s learning achievements during the period of study abroad; l Learning Agreement, signed by the student and the two universities, indicating the programme of studies at the host university. The students participating in ECTS will receive full credit for all academic work successfully carried out at the host university.

ECTS Credits

ECTS credits are a numerical value allocated to course units to describe the student‘s workload required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work each course unit requires in relation to the total quantity of work necessary for the student to complete a full year of academic study prescribed by the institution, i.e. lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical work, fieldwork, research projects, diploma thesis, private study in the library or at home, and examinations or other forms of assessment. The ECTS is thus based on a full student workload and is not limited to contact hours only.

Local Grading Scale ECTS

The study of individual programmes and courses is carried out on the basis of a credit system corresponding to ECTS, in which one credit corresponds to 1/60 of average annual student workload. Each subject included in the study plans is assessed according to its difficulty by a certain number of credits that students earn provided they successfully and according to set rules complete the subject (credit, seminar, and exam). The subjects are divided into compulsory (credits A), compulsory-optional (credits B) and voluntary-optional (credits C). The division of subjects into compulsory, compulsory-optional and voluntary-optional as well as the way of their completion and number of credits is determined by the individual institute.


  • The students of the bachelor study with the standard length of 3 years and the maximum length of 5 years have to earn 180 credits.
  • The students of the master study with the standard length of 5 years and the maximum length of 7 years have to earn 300 credits.
  • The students of the master study with the standard length of 2 years and the maximum length of 4 years have to earn 120 credits.


The classification of the completed subjects assessed by means of an exam are stated as follows:

ECTS Grade

% of succesful students normally achieving the grade




EXCELLENT – outstanding performance with no or only minor errors



VERY GOOD – above the average standard but with some errors



GOOD – generally sound work with a number of notable errors



SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings



SUFFICIENT – performance matches the minimum criteria



FAIL – considerable further work is required



PASS – some courses are not finalized by exam but ongoing activities are required (essays, tests, coursework, in-clas presentation etc.). Course is passed if the activities are sufficiently accomplished.


Further information about study conditions and the credit system are included in the Study and Examination Rules of the FPS in Opava and in the following regulations.