• Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 07.06.2022
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Exploring the city of Štramberk by international students

The excursion to Štramberk was organized in collaboration with the International Relations Office and the Buddy team on May 25th, and it was a memorable day for all of the students, including the Czech friends, Erasmus students, and even a coordinator.
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 09.05.2022
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Master of Business Economics and Management: Students’ testimonies

In 2018, our faculty welcomed the first pioneer batch of Master’s degree students from India. The first graduates successfully completed their studies in 2020. In the meantime, one of them, Ing. Sarath Thulaseedharan Mallika, remained at our faculty and he is studying for a doctorate. A total of 29 foreign students were enrolled in the summer semester of the academic year 2021/22, which was a record number of enrolled students. During these days, the 2nd year students are busy working on their diploma thesis and preparing for the state final examination which is held at the end of the 4th semester. Still, they find some time to have fun, work, or travel! The first part of this article is dedicated to Mehdi and Sampras, our 1st-year students. Mehdi is the first one ever from Morocco. In the second part of the article, we would also like to briefly introduce our 2nd-year student Jinnuo from China and Sebu from India who will graduate this semester. All of them have decided to share their stories with us.
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 06.05.2022
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Experience of Erasmus+ students studying at SBA

Today we are bringing you genuine experience of Erasmus+ students studying at our faculty during summer semester 2022.
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 02.01.2022
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

St. Nicholas visited foreign students

The International Relations Office, in collaboration with the Buddy team, hosts an annual St. Nicholas party for SBA international students.
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 02.01.2022
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Cooperation between SBA foreign students and ZŠ 1. Máje continues

Last year, cooperation between the primary school 1. Máje in Havířov and SBA foreign students began, with students presenting their cultures to primary school students. Previous presentations were only available online due to the pandemic situation. This semester, fortune smiled on our students, and on November 19, they went to the primary school in person, specifically for an English class with 2nd grade students, based on a joint agreement with Mgr. Nikol Porubová.
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 20.12.2021
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

International students visited Hradec nad Moravicí and Lower Vítkovice in Ostrava

On the 26th November International Relations Offices of the School of Business Administration in Karviná and the Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava organized a joint trip for international students to Hradec nad Moravicí and Lower Vítkovice in Ostrava.
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 27.10.2021
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Erasmus Days 2021

On 14 and 15 October, SU SBA joined the worldwide celebrations of the largest international educational program, Erasmus+ for the third time.
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 12.10.2021
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Come for #ErasmusDays!

On 14 and 15 October, SU SBA will again take part in the worldwide celebrations of the Erasmus+ Programme. The #ErasmusDays give you two dedicated days to learn about the Erasmus+ Programme and talk with the programme’s participants who will be happy to share their experiences with you!
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 27.09.2021
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Welcome Days in person once again

Everyone, including international students, was looking forward to getting together in the non-virtual world to kick off the new academic year after the countless online events that had taken place over the previous period. Welcome Days are held before the start of each new semester to bring international students together, make it easier for them to integrate into their new environment, and familiarize them with the Faculty. So far this semester, we have welcomed students from Turkey and Poland, and we anticipate that more students will arrive in the coming months, including those from Russia and India.
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 19.04.2021
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

"Pandemic" Easter with international students

International students got to know Easter again virtually.