• Olha Hodunova
  • experience
  • 11.07.2024
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

From India to Karvina: a Master's journey of growth and discovery at SBA

Join our Master's graduate Sampras Femi Robert from India as he shares his enriching journey at the School of Business Administration in Karvina. From cultural adaptation and buddy programs to Erasmus adventures and real-world business experiences, discover how Silesian University has transformed his academic and personal life.
  • Olha Hodunova
  • experience
  • 20.06.2024
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Memorable June trip for international students

In June, international students from our university enjoyed an unforgettable trip to a charming cottage retreat. Nestled in the serene countryside, this adventure offered a perfect blend of nature, culture, and learning.
  • Olha Hodunova
  • experience
  • 04.04.2024
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Easter Celebration with International Students

International students gathered for a delightful Easter celebration at our Faculty. Hosted by the International Relations Office and the Buddy Team, it was a joyous occasion filled with laughter, treats, and festive activities.
  • Veronika Novotná
  • experience
  • 22.06.2023
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Radegast Brewery Tour: A Cultural and Flavorful Experience

A recent trip organized by the International Relations Office in early June was a great opportunity for international students to get a closer look at the Czech beer industry, part of the Czech cultural heritage.
  • Veronika Novotná
  • experience
  • 06.04.2023
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná
  • Staženo dne 19.05.2023

Easter Celebration with International Students

Easter is one of the most fun and enjoyable days of the year. It is a holiday that symbolizes the arrival of spring for almost every country. Additionally, Easter is an important day that brings international students together. On April 4th, all students gathered at the Faculty, and each person from a different country presented how Easter is celebrated and what is done in their country with their amazing presentations to other international students. The most beautiful part was the enactment of how Easter traditions are celebrated in Czechia. This year's Easter event was attended by students from variety of nations, including Turkey, India, Morocco, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Ukraine.
  • Veronika Novotná
  • experience
  • 04.03.2023
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná
  • Staženo dne 30.03.2023

New international students enjoyed Welcome Days

Before the beginning of each semester, the faculty holds Welcome Days (WD) event for new international students, which aim is to bring international students closer to each other, integrate them into a new environment and familiarize them with the faculty and their future studies.
  • Veronika Novotná
  • experience
  • 23.02.2023
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Erasmus+ BIP: cooperation in an international team with one week mobility in Portugal

In cooperation with universities within the Strategic Alliance for Regional Transition (STARS EU), we offer a program in which students work in international teams to solve assignments for companies and organisations from different EU countries. This semester, we also offer a new BIP focused on circular bioeconomy. The collaboration takes place mainly online and partly offline on a week-long trip to the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança in Portugal. Take the opportunity to experience international team work, improve your English, gain valuable experience and 6 ECTS credits on top of that!
  • Veronika Novotná
  • experience
  • 12.12.2022
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

St. Nicholas visited our international students

After two "covid" years, the International Relations Office of the faculty organized the traditional St. Nicholas Day for international students.
  • Michal Stoklasa
  • experience
  • 21.10.2022
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

How were the Erasmus Days 2022 at SBA?

On 13 and 14 October, SBA traditionally took part in the global celebration of the largest international education programme Erasmus+.
  • David Jančar
  • experience
  • 03.10.2022
  • School of Business Administration in Karviná

Welcome Days for the first time with the international Buddy team

Before the beginning of each semester, the faculty holds Welcome Days (WD) for international students, aiming to bring international students closer to each other, integrate them into a new environment and familiarize them with study matters.