Due to the persistent pandemic situation in China, no traditional student or staff exchanges with Chinese partner universities took place in 2022. The bilateral cooperation, therefore, continued with the organization of hybrid teaching. In order to deliver this mode of teaching, a Microsoft Surface Hub device was installed in one of our SU SBA’s classrooms. Thanks to this device, international students are able to join lectures from the comfort of their own rooms. So-called “hybrid teaching” allows for a unique multi-national classroom experience, which was also valued by Kaiyue Wang, a 19-year old student from Taiyuan, Shanxi who attended two courses this semester – Principles of Finance and Corporate Finance delivered by our academics dr. Szarowská, MPA and dr. Konieva.
“I chose to attend this program because I was interested in several of the courses offered, and I was attracted to the program by the very small class size and the all-English format of the lectures. The benefits of this program are the quality of education in Europe without having to leave the country and the ability of the instructors is outstanding. I was also able to compare the differences between European and Chinese finance. I would recommend this online program to other students because it really helped me to gain knowledge that I could not get in Chinese universities. I was very impressed with the teachers’ professionalism and the attentive help from all the staff,” says Kaiyue.